Tag: Travel rss


27 October 2021 / / Life

On the Isle of Lismore, far off the beaten track, is the shambling ruin of Castle Ceoffin. It resembles, more than anything, a gnarled, groping hand reaching skyward.

11 July 2021 / / Life

Like many working class families, we used to cut turf for our fires in the winter. A visit to an old peat bog brings back some childhood memories…

10 June 2021 / / Photos
06 March 2020 / / Photos
24 April 2009 / / Life

Last Wednesday I got dragged to France. I’ve never been to France, although I have tried their method of kissing before and even their ticklers once or twice.

01 April 2009 / / Photos

A photo from back in November 2000, the first big holiday Lisa and I ever took. We stayed near St Julian’s in Malta and one day took this brilliant cruise around the bay, which was just so relaxing.